•  Buying Guide

   •  Fees

   •  Selling Guide

   •  Moving Check Lists




1 Contact a Realtor -- Have the Realtor do a comparative market
2 List the property on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS)
3 Prepare your home for the followings; Clean, paint, repair, and get rid of any odours
4 Place a [For Sale] sign on the property that make it easy for your Realtor to show the property
5 Consider Open House (option)
6 Receive offer from other party (Buyer) and accept the offer or counter offer
7 Some Subject condition might be in the contract by the Buyer: Mortgage, Property Disclosure of Statement (PDS), Strata Documents (2 years of minutes, form B, Financial Statement, etc.), Inspection, Viewing the Title, etc.
8 When all the subjects are removed the Deposit is place into Buying Agent's Company Trust Account
9 Completion Date: about 30 days to 90 days after acceptance. Lawyer/Notary Public will transfer the property (Registration in the Land Title Office)
10 Possession Date: 1 - 3 days after completion date. Give keys to new owner